Résidence Les Hauts de Préclaux (Les orres)
Résidence Les Hauts de Préclaux: find the cheapest stay
Main assets of this holiday village:
Pets allowed
Club with a pool
With a carpark
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Résidence Les Hauts de Préclaux
You've decided to spend your holiday in Résidence Les Hauts de Préclaux in Les orres? Before booking your holiday find out who offers the best value offers for Résidence Les Hauts de Préclaux by comparing different offers in Les orres.
Located at Les orres, your village club resort will allow you to enjoy many activities and infrastructure at your disposal for your holiday.
During your holidays at Les orres, the swimming pool of the holiday club resort offers much relaxation time with your family or friends. Cats, dogs or other pets are welcome in this vacation club resort. You can rent a baby cot at the club, which will save you carrying one on your journey. If you want, at the end of you stay, you can subscribe to the cleaning service which is a chargeable option proposed by the club resort. During your stay, you will be able to leave your car in the car park located inside the club resort compound. At Les orres, enjoy best snowy tracks and discover the skiing sensation of skiing in altitude. For a perfect skiing holiday, your vacation club resort located close to the slopes of Les orres.
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Résidence Les Hauts de Préclaux
- from 711 €